
viewworld明 發佈 2022-11-05T04:35:22.390615+00:00

During the pandemic, the unhoused population has soared all over California, but the increase in Sacramento has been particularly stunning. The region has seen an almost 70% rise in homelessness since 2019, now counting more unhoused people than San Francisco. At least 9,278 people are estimated to be without a home, the majority of whom sleep outdoors or in vehicles. Encampments can be seen on levees, near schools and next to busy roads.自2019年以來,該地區的無家可歸者人數增加了近70%,目前的無家可歸者人數超過了舊金山。





Homelessness has risen 70% in California’s capital. Inside the staggering emergency


During the pandemic, the unhoused population has soared all over California, but the increase in Sacramento has been particularly stunning. The region has seen an almost 70% rise in homelessness since 2019, now counting more unhoused people than San Francisco. At least 9,278 people are estimated to be without a home, the majority of whom sleep outdoors or in vehicles. Encampments can be seen on levees, near schools and next to busy roads.


The primary force behind the dramatic rise, according to the 2022 point-in-time count, is the high cost of housing. The median home price in the county has surpassed $500,000 and the median monthly rent is $2,774, up more than 5% from last year. Some studios downtown rent for $2,000 a month, said Crystal Sanchez, the president of the Sacramento Homeless Union, while thousands of people sleep outside. 「Sacramento, the capital of the fifth largest economy in the world, lacks over 100,000 units of affordable housing,」 Sanchez said. 「We can’t survive here. I』ve lived here my whole life.」

根據2022年的時間點統計,房價大幅上漲的主要原因是高昂的住房成本。該縣的房價中位數已超過50萬美元,月租金中位數為2774美元,比去年上漲了5%以上。薩克拉門托無家可歸者聯盟(Sacramento Homeless Union)主席克里斯特爾·桑切斯(Crystal Sanchez)說,市中心一些單室公寓房的月租金為2000美元。而成千上萬的人睡在外面。桑切斯說:「薩克拉門托是世界第五大經濟體的首都,缺少超過10萬套經濟適用房。」我們無法在這裡生存。我一輩子都住在這裡。

The city acknowledges the unfolding emergency, but has struggled to enact meaningful solutions that match the scale of the problem, advocates say, particularly as housing prices continue to climb. And amid outrage over the growing encampments, local authorities have cracked down on unhoused communities with county bans on camping along the American River Parkway and near 「critical infrastructure」.



  • homelessness /ˈhoʊmləsnəs/ n. 無家可歸的人;無家可歸者;
  • staggering /ˈstæɡərɪŋ/ adj. 大得驚人的,令人吃驚的;
  • soar /sɔːr/ vt.(數量、價值、水平、規模等)急升,猛漲;
  • stunning /ˈstʌnɪŋ/ adj. 極好的,極吸引人的;令人震驚的;
  • encampment /ɪnˈkæmpmənt/ n. 營地;露營;
  • levee /ˈlevi/ n. 堤壩;碼頭;<古,北美>(會見賓客的)正式歡迎會;
  • primary /ˈpraɪmeri/ adj. 主要的,首要的;
  • dramatic /drəˈmætɪk/ adj. 巨大而突然的,急劇的;激動人心的,引人注目的,給人深刻印象的;有關戲劇的,戲劇表演的;誇張的;
  • median /ˈmiːdiən/ adj. 中間值的,中位數的;在中間的,通過中點的;
  • studio /ˈstuːdioʊ/ n. 單室公寓房;(畫家、攝影師、雕塑家等的)工作室;(舞蹈)練習室;
  • downtown /ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn/ adj. 市中心的,商業區的;
  • affordable/əˈfɔːrdəb(ə)l/ adj. 便宜的,付得起的;
  • acknowledge /əkˈnɑːlɪdʒ/ vt. 承認;認可;
  • unfolding /ʌnˈfoldɪŋ/ adj. 正在發生的;
  • enact /ɪˈnækt/ vt. 制定,通過,頒布(法令);
  • outrage /ˈaʊtreɪdʒ/ n. 憤慨,憤怒;
  • crack down 鎮壓;打擊;處罰;制裁;
  • critical infrastructure 關鍵基礎設施;


文本選自:The Guardian(衛報)

作者:Dani Anguiano

原文發布時間:4 Nov. 2022


Life is like music. It must be composed by ear, feeling and instinct, not by rule.

