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185 Yoga


186 Paganini Mania






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Sit with legs twisted beneath you like a pretzel. Slowly inhale and exhale. Mind and body are at rest. Inhale. Exhale. Release tension with each inhalation and exhalation, first from one part of the body and then from another. Feel your breathing and heart rate slow down. Inhale. Exhale.

This is a brief description of meditation, one of the exercises associated with yoga. The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit word for "union," and it is rooted in Hindu principles of religion. What many people think of as yoga is actually a specific type of yoga called hatha yoga, and it includes breathing exercises, set postures (called asanas), and meditation.

Through these activities, yoga is believed to enhance a person's life force, or prana. On a more practical level, yoga has been scientifically proven to better one's overall fitness by reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and improving the condition of the heart. Yoga can help a person become more coordinated, flexible, and well rested. One's posture, concentration, and digestion are also enhanced. The effects of yoga are undeniable, yet scientists don't quite know why it works. In any case, yoga is a form of exercise that everyone, young or old, can practice and enjoy.





Paganini Mania

  Born in Genoa, Italy, October 27, 1782, Nicolo Paganini started playing the violin at the age of six. When he was 13, the teachers in Parma refused to teach him, saying he was too advanced. Without a teacher, Paganini practiced up to 15 hours a day by himself until he became a solo violinist. In time, his popularity spread throughout Europe. However, rumors started that the long-haired and sickly-thin violinist had the help of the devil. This created curiosity and mystique in his performances and his audiences sometimes became half-crazed. Knowing this, Paganini would dress in black and arrive at concerts in a black coach drawn by black horses. In 1828, when he lost his teeth, his face sank in even more, giving him a ghostly appearance.

  In life, Paganini loved gambling and spending money. At one point he had to pawn his violin away. Luckily, a generous French merchant lent him a highly treasured Guarnerius violin. After the concert, however, Paganini fell in love with it so much that he refused to give it back. It still rests in Genoa today.

  Some have explained that Paganini's playing had to do with his having Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a disease which makes the joints extremely flexible. Because of this, he was able to reach high notes at amazing speeds. He also tuned his violin higher so that he wouldn't have to reach as far. All this does not discount his brilliance with the instrument, though. Towards the end of his life, he attempted to open a casino unsuccessfully and finally died in Nice, France on May 27, 1840.


  1782 年 10 月 27 日,帕格尼尼出生於義大利的熱那亞,六歲開始拉小提琴。十三歲時,帕爾馬市的老師以他琴藝太高超為由拒絕授課。在沒有老師指導的情況下,帕格尼尼每天自己練習長達十五個小時,直到他成為獨奏小提琴手。後來,他的名聲傳遍整個歐洲。然而,此時謠傳這位長髮披肩、滿臉病容的小提琴手其實有魔鬼相助,而這也使人們對他謎一般的演出深感好奇,因此觀眾有時會陷入半瘋狂狀態。帕格尼尼深諳此道,便會著一身黑衣,乘著黑馬拉的黑色馬車抵達演奏會場。他的牙齒在 1828 年時掉光,雙頰因此更加凹陷,使他看起來像個幽魂。


  有些人把帕格尼尼的琴技歸因於他所患有的先天性結締組織發育不全綜合徵,這種疾病使關節極度靈活,因此,他可以以驚人的速度演奏。他還把琴音調高,這樣一來就不必把手伸太遠換把位。然而,這些並無損他傑出的琴藝。他在遲暮之年曾想開一家賭場卻沒成功,最後在 1840 年 5 月 27 日死於法國尼斯。

