
learningyard學苑 發佈 2024-01-11T20:39:26.594661+00:00

Traditional unweighted Katz centrality assesses the risk of a node primarily based on the extent of the node and the extent of neighbouring nodes. Combining additional information such as WRI enables the identification of companies vulnerable to geopolitical risk that would not be identified using traditional methods.Iwata Bolt, Microtech, Nihon, J1 and J3 are companies with a small degree relative to others and are therefore ignored in the unweighted Katz centrality metric. The high WRI and proximity to other locations with high geopolitical exposure make them worthy of attention by risk practitioners. Katz centrality can therefore be used as a local risk factor to identify clustered high-risk companies. This shows how local risk can influence the risk of its neighbours, thus creating a systemic view.









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小編將從思維導圖、精讀內容、知識補充三個板塊為大家帶來《Systemic Risk Assessment in Complex Supply Networks》案例研究2。

I will bring you Case Study 2 of Systemic Risk Assessment in Complex Supply Networks from three sections: Mind Map, Intensive Reading Content, and Knowledge Supplement.




1. Assessing Katz centrality of risk diffusion in undirected nodes


Katz centrality was applied to the Honda-Acura contract network to evaluate the risk spread of undirected nodes. It is a variation of eigenvector centrality and is formulated as follows.


Where CKi is the Katz centrality of node i, a is the adjacency matrix of the network, κ1 is the maximum eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix, and βi is a constant. Katz is used because the original eigenvector centrality does not include node features, but Katz does. Replace βi with 1 for the unweighted case and WRI with weighted case to incorporate geopolitical risk.


2. WRI


The WRI is an index that measures risk at the natural hazard and societal levels. It is made up of four components: exposure, susceptibility, response and adaptation. Exposure is a natural hazard risk, susceptibility is the likelihood of suffering harm, coping is the ability to reduce negative consequences and adaptation is the ability to develop long-term strategies for social change. The index is designated by country. The ranking consists of 173 countries with an average of 7.40. The WRI is assigned to each node based on the location of its headquarters from the online automotive database Marklines. The metric is calculated for both unweighted and WRI node weighted cases.


3. Analysis of results


The table below shows the results for the six highest Katz centres in the contractual relationship network.


In the unweighted case, the highest Katz are Intek and Honda. This is because they manage most of the business relationships in the supply network. intek can be considered the most critical company because it has the largest number of business partners and its partners themselves have many relationships. The other companies' Katz centrality scores are also proportional to their degree. With node weighting, the highest Katz centrality is Intek. second place goes to Iwata Bolt as they are located in a high risk area with two business partners forming a high risk cluster. the other companies with higher Katz centrality are Intek's business partners with high local WRI.


4. Advantages of Katz centrality

傳統的無加權Katz中心性主要根據節點的程度和相鄰節點的程度來評估節點的風險。結合額外的信息,如WRI,能夠識別出易受地緣政治風險影響的公司,而這些公司使用傳統方法無法識別。Iwata Bolt、Microtech、Nihon、J1和J3是相對於其他公司度較小的公司,因此在未加權Katz中心性度量中被忽略。高WRI和接近其他高地緣政治風險暴露地點,使它們值得風險從業者關注。因此,Katz中心性可用於局部風險因素,以識別聚集在一起的高風險公司。這顯示了本地風險如何影響其鄰國的風險,從而形成系統性觀點。

Traditional unweighted Katz centrality assesses the risk of a node primarily based on the extent of the node and the extent of neighbouring nodes. Combining additional information such as WRI enables the identification of companies vulnerable to geopolitical risk that would not be identified using traditional methods.Iwata Bolt, Microtech, Nihon, J1 and J3 are companies with a small degree relative to others and are therefore ignored in the unweighted Katz centrality metric. The high WRI and proximity to other locations with high geopolitical exposure make them worthy of attention by risk practitioners. Katz centrality can therefore be used as a local risk factor to identify clustered high-risk companies. This shows how local risk can influence the risk of its neighbours, thus creating a systemic view.



Deformation of the Katz centrality formula:






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[1]Ledwoch A, Brintrup A, Mehnen J, et al. Systemic risk assessment in complex supply networks [J]. IEEE Systems Journal, 2016, 12(2): 1826-1837.




