福州裝修設計 | 陳昌光作品:化繁為簡,傍江而隱,縱享悠然

福州裝修設計範 發佈 2022-02-17T12:20:02+00:00

設計 | Design : 陳昌光施工 | Construction :龍派華寧裝飾軟裝 | Soft Outfit :龍派華寧裝飾地址 | Address : 天驕苑面積 | Area:120㎡主材 | Main material:岩板 大理石 科技木 玫瑰金 藝術漆等生活的智

設計 | Design : 陳昌光

施工 | Construction :龍派華寧裝飾

軟裝 | Soft Outfit :龍派華寧裝飾

地址 | Address : 天驕苑

面積 | Area:120㎡

主材 | Main material:岩板 大理石 科技木 玫瑰金 藝術漆等



本案坐落於風景優美的烏龍江畔,視野開闊,領略大江的豪邁, 客廳連接茶區/書房超大面積玻璃,讓視野可以更加暢通無阻地欣賞窗外的景致。閱讀或會客的時候,坐在窗邊泡上一壺熱茶,享受充足的陽光,享受一處自然和諧的休憩空間。

This case is located on the Bank of the beautiful Wulong River, with a wide view and a taste of the grandeur of the river. The living room is connected with the super large glass in the tea area / study, so that the view can enjoy the scenery outside the window more unobstructed. When reading or receiving visitors, sit by the window and soak a pot of hot tea, enjoy plenty of sunshine and enjoy a natural and harmonious rest space.


A good house should not only be the residence of the body, but also the residence of the soul.


Create a more than daily freehand Oriental living space, let people immerse in the hidden life, return to the essence of life, and enjoy the beauty of quiet and indifferent life.


Integrate art into space, run through every bit of life, and have the most sincere dialogue with space. Design is the interest generated by the blending of life and art, which awakens the owner's most genuine love for home and life.


The space is dominated by deep and warm colors. Through materials such as brass, wood veneer and marble rock plate, it creates an oriental aesthetic feeling in the design, meets the residents' needs for life and yearning for aesthetics, and endows the exquisite elegance of taste life.


Life is the reproduction of spirit and the imprint of humanity. The charm of art and aesthetics enables the residence space, and the space spirit integrates people's endless pursuit of freedom and infinite hope for life.


The integrated design of the restaurant and kitchen is inspired by the scenery borrowed from Chinese traditional cultural gardens. A large number of Chinese traditional gold are used, which has a distinct sense of structure and neat lines, strengthens the sense of order, and further improves the texture and dignity of the overall space.


The master bedroom abandons the mixture of conventional Oriental elements, deeply excavates the essence and charm behind the logic of labels and symbols, and reproduces a contemporary Chinese context with resonance between the old and the new, humanities and harmony.


The children's room is very interesting and inclusive. It introduces rural life into the room in a modern way, so that children can feel the fun of rural life and feel a broader artistic conception.


The charm of art and aesthetics enables the residence space, and the space spirit integrates people's endless pursuit of freedom and infinite hope for life.

平面布置 / Floor plan

