
奇速英語時文閱讀口語 發佈 2022-12-02T11:57:20.975322+00:00

英語時文閱讀小程序「十佳」閱讀法,助你輕鬆提升英語閱讀聽說。As we all know, reading will increase our vocabulary. However, we should not blindly increase the number of reading articles, which is a waste of time. Choosing the right reading materials is important. For students who are busy, where can they find right reading materials promptly?


As we all know, reading will increase our vocabulary. However, we should not blindly increase the number of reading articles, which is a waste of time. Choosing the right reading materials is important. For students who are busy, where can they find right reading materials promptly? Recently, a learning method is popular among students. Through this learning method, students』 reading ability and vocabulary have improved a lot.

The method benefits you before, while, and after the reading. Full-text listening exercises can be done before reading, which can improve your listening ability. You can read the questions first and then listen to the text. It helps with your listening ability and ability to summarize the general idea of the article. If you don’t know the meaning of any word while reading, you can click(點擊) on the word. Then you will know its meaning and how to use the world.

After answering the questions, check the answers and analysis(分析) in time, and correct your way to answer the question. You can find different question types below each article. If you are weak in any type, the same type will be recommended(推薦) to you. The keywords and difficult sentences of this article are shown to you, which can help you learn words and grammar. You can also follow up 3-5 sentences of spoken English every day, and the system will score and correct your pronunciation.

Search 「英語時文閱讀」 on your Wechat and you can find the WeChat Mini Program and use the method. Its daily updates make the newest articles available to readers.

1. Which has the closest meaning to the underlined word 「promptly」?

A. Quickly. ​​

B. Politely.

C. Gradually.​​​​​​

D. Normally.

2. What can students do when they meet unknown words on the Mini Program?

A. Look them up in the dictionary.

B. Ask the teacher or classmates for help.

C. Click on the location of the screen where they are.

D. Search for their meaning on the Internet.

3. Which ability can be improved through the method?

A. The listening ability. ​​

B. The speaking ability.

C. The reading ability.

D. All A, B and C.

4. How often does the WeChat Mini Program update articles?

A. Every day. ​B. Twice a week.

C. Twice a month. D. Once a week.

5. What is the best title for the passage?

A. The importance of full-text listening exercises.

B. A useful way to learn English.

C. The importance of vocabulary.

D. A way to find reading articles.


1. A 推理判斷題。根據劃線部分前面的「not blindly increase the number of reading articles」和「For students who are busy」可知,拓展閱讀量不是一味地增加閱讀篇數,要有科學的方法和指導才能真正高效地達到提高的效果。因此選擇對的閱讀材料很重要,但是對於一些學業繁忙的學生來說,時間是很寶貴的,他們沒有大把時間來搜索合適的文章,他們需要花最少的時間來到合適的閱讀材料。故選A。

2. C 細節理解題。根據第二段第五句的「If you don’t know the meaning of any word while reading, you can click on the word.」可知,閱讀中遇到不會的單詞,屏幕上直接點擊查看單詞的中文翻譯和例句即可。故選C。

3. D 推理判斷題。根據第二段中的「which can improve your listening ability」「check the answers and analysis in time, and correct your way to answer the question」和「correct your pronunciation」可知,閱讀前帶著問題去聽,可以練習聽力的同時鍛鍊概括文章大意的能力;答題後及時查看答案解析,訂正錯誤答案,糾正答題思路,並且每篇文章的題目都會包含不同的題型,每道題旁邊都有相似題型文章推送,讓閱讀訓練更有目標、有針對性的攻克自身在閱讀中的弱項,這樣可以提高閱讀能力;每天3-5句口語跟讀,系統自動評分,對比差異,多次模仿糾正發音,這樣可以提高口語能力。故選D。

4.A細節理解題。根據最後一句「Its daily updates make the newest articles available to readers.」可知,該小程序每日更新,新鮮及時。故選A。

5. B 主旨大意題。本文主要介紹了一種幫助輕鬆提升英語閱讀聽說的方法。故選B。

summarize /ˈsʌməraɪz/ v. 總結;概括;概述

例句:I will summarize what I have done. 我將概述我所做的事情。

However, we should not blindly increase the number of reading articles, which is a waste of time.但是,我們不應該盲目增加閱讀文章的數量,這是浪費時間。Which引導非限制性定語從句,修飾前面整句話。

本文作者:蔡章兵 馬香玲
