
learningyard學苑 發佈 2023-01-15T23:12:05.196989+00:00

Yishuo School District (34)SPSS Statistical Analysis (44) Basis of Clustering and Discriminant AnalysisSPSS「分享興趣,傳播快樂,增長見聞,留下美好! 大家好,這裡是小編。

Yishuo School District (34)

SPSS Statistical Analysis (44) Basis of Clustering and Discriminant Analysis


「分享興趣,傳播快樂,增長見聞,留下美好! 大家好,這裡是小編。歡迎大家繼續訪問學苑內容,我們將竭誠為您帶來更多更好的內容分享

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When people recognize a certain kind of things, they often analyze the various objects of this kind of things first in order to find various characteristics of the same kind of things. For example, in the field of national economy, it is sometimes necessary to divide into several sets according to the economic characteristics, industrial structure, GDP, population, per capita income and consumption characteristics of each province. For example, it is divided into economically developed regions and economically underdeveloped regions, resource-rich regions and resource-poor regions. After being divided into such regions, countries can adopt similar economic policies for regions of the same type.


The main methods of statistical research on such problems are cluster analysis and discriminant analysis. As the name implies, the main idea of cluster analysis is that the samples or indicators studied have different degrees of similarity (intimacy). According to this similarity, some samples with greater similarity are aggregated into one category, and other samples with greater similarity are aggregated into another category, forming a classification system from small to large. Finally, draw a pedigree of the whole classification system.


Discriminant analysis is a statistical method to determine the type of samples. Like cluster analysis, discriminant analysis is also used to solve various classification problems. The difference is that discriminant analysis establishes a discriminant according to certain criteria on the basis of the known research objects divided into several types and the observed data of a batch of known samples of various types, and then carries out discriminant analysis on samples of unknown types. The discriminant criteria mainly include distance discriminant, Bayes discriminant and Fisher discriminant.





Preview for next issue: In this issue, we learned the basic knowledge of cluster analysis and discriminant analysis. In the next issue, we will learn the theory and example operation of second-order clustering.






That's all for today's sharing. If you have unique ideas about today's article, please leave us a message. Let's meet tomorrow. I wish you a happy day today!

參考資料:百度百科,《SPSS 23 統計分析實用教程》


