馬雲 :別讓任何人限制你的無限潛能(英漢雙語)

高中英語學習園地 發佈 2023-01-27T08:29:26.938805+00:00

If you really want to work for yourself, think about the others, because only when the other people successful, when the other people happy, you will be successful, you will be happy.

I did not have a rich father.


Tried 3 times for university. All failed.

我嘗試了三次高考 全都失敗了

I applied for Harvard for 10 times.


All failed, they don't even want to see me.

全都失敗了 他們甚至不想見到我

For the last time, I went to the teachers' college which was considered the third or fourth class of my city.

最後 我去了一所在我城市排名第三或者第四的師範大學

I applied jobs for 30 times. Got rejected.

我申請工作30次 都遭到拒絕

It was so difficult at that time, I was so frustrated.

那段時間很艱苦 我很沮喪

Because I taught in the university.


My pay was 10 dollars a month.


Because I could not find a good job, in 1994, discussed that I am going to do something called Internet, and 23 of them against it.

由於我找不到一份好工作 1994年的時候 我決定要去做一個叫做網際網路的東西 他們其中的23個人反對我去做

They said, this is a stupid idea, we』ve never heard about the Internet, and you know nothing about computer.

他們說這是一個很愚蠢的想法 我們從未聽說過網際網路 並且你對電腦一無所知

And I never thought I was smart


Nobody believed that I could be successful, because everybody said, ’this guy think differently, think crazily.』 He will think about something that will never work.』

沒有人認為我會成功 他們都說:「這個人想法古怪瘋狂」,他在想一些永遠無法成功的事

I tried to borrow USD 3,000 from the banks.


It took me 3 months but I still couldn’t get it.

花費了三個月的時間 但我還是沒有借到

We talked to over 30 or 40 venture capitalists. Everybody said no. Forget it.

我們曾和超過30 甚至40個風險投資家 每個人都說不行 忘了吧

Lot of people said Alibaba is a terrible mode.


I said,』I believe it. I think this thing could be big.』

我說:「我相信阿里巴巴 我相信它會變得強大」

I never thought it would be that big like today.


But I believed that something is waiting for me there and I have to work hard to prove myself.

但我相信機遇就在那裡等我 我必須努力證明自己

That was the tough experience.


So, we gathered $50,000 from 18 founders. We started.

所以 我們從18位創始人那裡籌集了5萬美元 我們開始了

For the first three years, we did not have even $1 revenue from our business.

在前三年 我們的業務甚至沒有1美元的收入

It was not easy.


Why it kept us going ahead, going forward because I received lots of emails of thanks from the customers.


They said,’this is such a great thing. We cannot pay you but this thing helped us.』


If you keep on helping us, one day you will be successful and I believed this.

如果你們可以繼續幫助我們 你們終有一天會成功 並且我相信阿里巴巴

Little by little we built up our business.


Little by little we built up our ecosystem of the infrastructure.


And now after 16 years, we have Alibaba group, we have Tmall group, we have Taobao group and we have Alipay.

現在 在16年之後 我們有阿里巴巴 天貓 淘寶 還有支付寶

And people said, 『you’re so smart, how could you make a company like that.』


Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jack Welch, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg.

比爾·蓋茨 沃倫·巴菲特傑克·韋爾奇 拉里·佩奇 馬克·扎克伯格

The difference between those people and other people - they are always optimistic for the future.

這些人和其他人的不同之處在於 他們總是對未來持樂觀態度

They never complain. They always try to solve the problems of others.

他們從不抱怨 總是嘗試解決別人的問題

When you’re optimistic, it’s always an opportunity.


People same here today.


"Jack. Where’s the opportunity. I don’t have a job. I don’t have this. I don’t have that."


We are at the best of time of this century. The best asset you have is that you are young. Don’t complain. Let the other people complain. The opportunity lie, always lies where people complain.


Think about how you can make things different.


"Is it anything that I can do to make the difference?"


And then we think about this, start to do it. I saw a lot of people, young people have fantastic ideas every evening. But in the morning, they go to the office again.


Being entrepreneur, you have to do the things before the other people do.

做一個企業家 你做事情必須要快於別人

You have to wake up before other people wake up. You have to be more brave than the others.

你必須要起得的比人早 你必須要比其他人勇敢

Use instinct. Everything you do is to the need of the customer, to everybody, to any person.


Tomorrow is new. Make the move. Make action.

明天又是嶄新的一天 行動起來

Whether investors believe this or not, whether your friends believe it or not, whether your parents, believe it or not, that’s not important. You believe it, your team believe it and worked day and night on this.


That’s all the things happen. Make enough mistakes. You fall, you stand up. Any mistake is an income, is a wonderful revenue.


Don’t worry about the money. Money follow the people. People should follow the dreams. If you have a dream, just to go ahead.


I think nobody can conquer the world. We only can serve the world, either work for the others or work for itself.


And I choose the way work for myself. Working for myself that means working for the society.


If you really want to work for yourself, think about the others, because only when the other people successful, when the other people happy, you will be successful, you will be happy.

