【雙語】例行記者會/Regular Press Conference(2023-3-3)

外交部發言人辦公室 發佈 2024-04-27T17:28:34.269027+00:00

2023年3月3日外交部發言人毛寧主持例行記者會Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’sRegular Press Conference on March 3, 2023總台央視記者:為期兩天的二十國集團(G20)外長會剛剛在印度閉幕。



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s

Regular Press Conference on March 3, 2023

總台央視記者:為期兩天的二十國集團(G20)外長會剛剛在印度閉幕。包括中美俄外長在內的40個國家及多個國際組織代表與會,這是G20歷史上規模最大的一次外長會,也是秦剛外長首次出席G20外長會。發言人能否進一步介紹秦外長與會情況? CCTV: The two-day G20 Foreign Ministers』 Meeting just concluded in India. Representatives of 40 countries and multiple international organizations, including the foreign ministers of China, the US and Russia, attended the event, making it the largest G20 foreign ministers』 gathering in history. It was also the first G20 Foreign Ministers』 Meeting attended by Foreign Minister Qin Gang. Do you have more to share on that?

毛寧:3月2日,秦剛外長在新德里出席二十國集團外長會。 Mao Ning: On March 2, Foreign Minister Qin Gang attended the G20 Foreign Ministers』 Meeting in New Delhi.

秦外長發出了三點重要信息:一是面對動盪不安的國際形勢和層出不窮的全球性挑戰,二十國集團應負起責任,體現擔當合作,為促進全球發展繁榮作出貢獻。二是要踐行真正的多邊主義,堅持平等對話、協商一致的合作原則,不能搞強權政治、甚至陣營對抗。三是要推動全球化健康發展,反對單邊主義、保護主義和脫鉤斷鏈,推動更包容、更普惠、更有韌性的全球發展。 Foreign Minister Qin sent out the following three key messages. First, faced with a volatile international situation and rising global challenges, the G20 must rise to the occasion, enhance cooperation, and contribute its share to global development and prosperity. Second, we need to practice true multilateralism and follow the principles of dialogue on an equal footing and consensus-building through consultation. No one should engage in power politics or even bloc confrontation. Third, we need to promote the sound development of globalization, reject unilateralism, protectionism and attempts to decouple or sever supply chains, and make global development more inclusive, resilient and beneficial for all.

秦外長還提出了加強宏觀經濟政策協調、完善全球經濟治理、加強國際發展合作三項建議,強調中國將繼續積極參與二十國集團各項議程,為促進世界和平與發展、推動構建人類命運共同體作出更大貢獻。 Foreign Minister Qin also proposed to enhance macroeconomic policy coordination, improve global economic governance, and bolster international development cooperation. He stressed that China will continue to take an active part in the G20 agenda, and contribute more to promoting world peace and development and building a community with a shared future for mankind.

共同社記者:據報導,美日印澳「四邊機制」外長會今天在印度舉行。外長會發表聲明稱,反對核武器的使用及威脅,同時堅決反對以規則為基礎的海洋秩序所面臨的挑戰。發言人對此有何評論。 Kyodo News: According to reports, the foreign ministers』 meeting of QUAD was held today in India. The statement that came out of the meeting noted that 「the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible」, and reiterated the importance to 「meet challenges to the maritime rules-based order」. What’s your comment?

毛寧:關於「四邊機制」,中方已經多次表明立場。我們一貫認為,國家間開展合作應當順應和平與發展的時代潮流,不應該搞排他封閉的「小圈子」。有關國家應當多做有利於增進地區國家安全和互信、有利於維護地區和平穩定的事。 Mao Ning: China has stated our position on QUAD on multiple occasions. We believe that state-to-state cooperation needs to be consistent with the trend of peace and development, rather than be about putting up exclusionary blocs. We hope certain countries can do more things that contribute to security and mutual trust between regional countries and that help to maintain regional peace and stability.

《環球時報》記者:據報導,美國總統國土安全事務顧問蘭德爾稱,考慮到中國不斷擴充核武庫、生產核裂變材料以及大規模部署民用核電,美國需同中國合作以減少目前世界面臨的核威脅,並推動中國作出有意義的貢獻。中方對此有何評論? Global Times: It was reported that Homeland Security Advisor to US President Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall said that the US needs to invest China in work to diminish nuclear threats, especially given China’s growing arsenal, the production of fissile material, and China’s deployment of civil nuclear power at scale. She said, 「We need to find ways to do so with them and invite them to make meaningful contributions」. Do you have any comment on this?

毛寧:美方反覆炒作「中國核威脅論」,不過是為自己擴張核武庫、維持軍事霸權尋找藉口。我想再次強調,中國在核政策上歷來採取極其慎重、負責的態度,始終堅定奉行自衛防禦的核戰略,恪守不首先使用核武器政策,始終將核力量維持在國家安全需要的最低水平。中國始終嚴格履行核不擴散義務,一向堅持理性、協調、並進的核安全觀,積極致力於和平利用核能事業,推動核能最大限度地造福於全人類。中國高度重視和平利用核能國際合作,為維護核設施安全、降低核擴散風險作出了重要貢獻。 Mao Ning: Calling China a 「nuclear threat」 is a convenient pretext for the US to expand its own nuclear arsenal and keep its military hegemony. Let me underscore once again that China has always been extremely prudent and responsible about our nuclear policy. We follow a defensive nuclear strategy and a policy of 「no first use」 of nuclear weapons, and keep our nuclear capabilities at the minimum level required by national security. China has strictly fulfilled its obligations on nuclear nonproliferation and followed a rational, coordinated and balanced approach to nuclear security. We are committed to the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and help the world benefit from nuclear energy as much as possible. China values international cooperation on the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and has made important contribution to protecting the security of nuclear facilities and reducing the risks of nuclear proliferation.

美國作為最強大的核武器國家,理應採取負責任的核政策。然而,美國近年來大肆升級「三位一體」核力量,不斷強化核武器在國家安全政策中的作用,四處構築軍事同盟體系,並通過增強延伸威懾、開展核潛艇合作構建極具冷戰色彩的「小圈子」。美國才是世界最大的核威脅來源。美方應徹底反思自己的核政策,切實履行核裁軍特殊、優先責任,降低核武器在國家安全政策中的作用,以有意義的實際行動減少核風險,以負責任的態度維護全球和地區的和平與安全戰略穩定。 The US, as the most powerful nuclear weapon state, is supposed to follow a responsible nuclear policy. However, the US has in recent years invested heavily to upgrade its nuclear triad, heightened the role of nuclear weapons in its national security policy and built up a network of military alliance around the globe. The US has also built small blocs reminiscent of the Cold War by bolstering extended deterrence and conducting nuclear submarine cooperation. It is the US who is the primary source of nuclear threat in the world. The US should fully reflect on its nuclear policy, step up to its special and primary responsibilities of nuclear disarmament, and reduce the role of nuclear weapons in national security policy. The US needs to take meaningful, practical steps to reduce nuclear risks and act responsibly to maintain the strategic stability of regional and global peace and security.

美國全國廣播公司記者:據報導,澳大利亞戰略政策研究所發布由美國國務院資助的研究報告稱,隨著西方民主國家在全球技術競爭中失利,中國在44項關鍵和新興技術中有37項遙遙領先,而美國多排在第二位。中方對此有何評論?是否同意這個結論? NBC: It’s reported that China has a 「stunning lead」 in 37 out of 44 critical and emerging technologies as Western democracies lose a global competition for research output, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute said. The study, funded by the US State Department, found the US was often second, according to a Reuters report. Do you have any comments or do you agree to these findings?

毛寧:中國科技創新的努力和成就有目共睹,中國科技實力的提升為全球科技發展和進步作出了貢獻。我們一貫致力於同各國開展科技創新合作,共享發展紅利,反對科技霸權和脫鉤斷鏈。科技的發展和進步應該服務於全人類的福祉。將科技問題政治化、武器化、意識形態化,搞小團體,最終損害的是整個世界的利益。 Mao Ning: China’s efforts and achievements in scientific and technological innovation are for all to see. China’s scientific and technological progress contributes to global technological advancement. We have been engaged in cooperation with all countries on innovation and sharing development benefits with the rest of the world. We oppose hegemonism in science, decoupling and breaking of industrial and supply chains. We believe that the ultimate purpose of technological advancement is to serve the interests of all humanity. Politicizing scientific and technological issues, using them as weapons for ideological confrontation and patching up coteries harm the interests of the whole world.

法新社記者:你剛才提到秦剛外長在二十國集團外長會上提出了三點建議,請問中國代表團是否不同意發表聯合聲明?在會議期間,中國是除俄羅斯外唯一沒有譴責對烏克蘭發動戰爭的國家。外交部能否解釋一下背後的原因? AFP: You just mentioned the three-point response that Foreign Minister Qin Gang gave at the G20, but I’m wondering if the Chinese delegation declined to agree at any joint communique and it was also the only country other than Russia that did not condemn the war in Ukraine at the G20 meeting? Does the foreign ministry have any explanation on the reasoning behind those decisions?

毛寧:中方在烏克蘭問題上的立場是一貫的,沒有變化。 Mao Ning: China’s position on the Ukraine issue remains consistent and unchanged.

二十國集團是國際經濟合作的主要論壇。各成員國領導人在去年峇里島峰會宣言中明確宣布「二十國集團不是解決安全問題的論壇」。中方主張二十國集團落實領導人共識,聚焦職責主業,為推動穩定、包容、可持續的經濟復甦作出貢獻。 The G20 is the premier forum for international economic cooperation. Leaders of member states made it clear in the G20 Bali Leaders』 Declaration last year that the G20 is not the forum to resolve security issues. China believes that the G20 should work to follow through on the leaders』 consensus, focus on its mandate and main function, and contribute to promoting stable, inclusive and sustainable economic recovery.

我們也注意到,二十國集團成員在烏克蘭問題上有不同看法,希望二十國集團成員相互尊重彼此關切,發出團結合作而不是分裂和相互指責的信號。 We also noted that G20 members have varying views on the Ukraine issue. We hope that G20 members will respect each other’s concerns and send a message of solidarity and cooperation instead of division and mutual recrimination.

法新社記者:美國商務部將新的中國實體加入了貿易黑名單,包括華大基因下屬機構和浪潮雲計算公司。外交部對此有何評論? AFP: The US Commerce Department has added new Chinese entities to its trade blacklist, including units of genetics firm BGI and cloud computing firm Inspur. Does the foreign ministry have any comments on this?

毛寧:這是美國捏造藉口、不擇手段打壓中國企業的又一個例證。中方對此強烈不滿、堅決反對。 Mao Ning: The US is once again cracking down on Chinese companies under false pretexts through unfair means. China strongly deplores and firmly rejects this.

我們敦促美方尊重基本事實,摒棄意識形態偏見,停止濫用各種藉口無理打壓中國企業,提供公平、公正、非歧視待遇。中方將繼續堅定維護本國企業正當合法權益,支持中國企業依法維護自身權益。 We urge the US to respect basic facts, abandon ideological bias, stop suppressing Chinese companies under false pretexts, and provide Chinese companies with open, just, and non-discriminatory treatment. China will continue to firmly defend the legitimate and lawful rights and interests of our companies and support them in defending their rights and interests.

印度報業托拉斯記者:中方如何看待二十國集團外長會的成果? PTI: Further to what you said earlier about the G20 Foreign Ministers』 Meeting in New Delhi, how does China view its outcome at the end of it?

毛寧:二十國集團外長會是一次非常重要的會議。在國際形勢動盪不安和全球挑戰增多的背景下,中方期待二十國集團體現責任擔當,為全球發展和繁榮作出貢獻。 Mao Ning: The G20 Foreign Ministers』 Meeting was an important event, especially considering the uncertainties and challenges facing today’s world. China hopes that the G20 will demonstrate its sense of responsibility and contribute to global development and prosperity.

法新社記者:白宮發言人周四稱,儘管目前沒有跡象表明中國已經決定向俄羅斯提供武器,但他們相信仍有這種可能性存在。外交部對此是否有最新評論? AFP: A White House spokesperson in the US said on Thursday that although they don’t have an indication right now that China has decided to provide weapons to Russia, they do believe it’s still a possibility. So is there any update on this matter from the foreign ministry?

毛寧:最近幾天,我們已經多次就這一問題表明中方立場。 Mao Ning: We have made clear China’s position several times over the past few days.

在烏克蘭問題上,中方始終堅持客觀公正的立場,致力於勸和促談,推動危機政治解決。美國一邊向烏克蘭戰場輸送致命性武器,不斷推高緊張局勢,一邊散布有關中國的虛假信息,對中國指責抹黑。我們絕不接受美方的脅迫施壓。美國要做的是緩和局勢、勸和促談,而不是拱火澆油,對其他國家指手畫腳。 On the Ukraine issue, China’s position has all along been objective and fair. We are committed to promoting talks for peace and working for the political settlement of the crisis. The US has been pouring lethal weapons into the battlefield in Ukraine and heightening tensions, while spreading false and malign accusations against China. We do not accept coercion or pressure from the US. What the US should do is facilitate deescalation and promote talks for peace rather than fuel the flame or point fingers at other countries.

路透社記者:據報導,澳大利亞最近收到了中方的強烈抗議,主要關於澳大利亞禁止一個中國投資者擴大在澳一家稀土集團的股份。請問中方是否注意到有關報導,對此有何評論? Reuters: Reuters has reported that Australia recently received strong protests from China after a Chinese investor had been prohibited to increase his share in an Australian rare earths group. Are you aware of relevant reports and do you have any comment?

毛寧:中國政府一貫鼓勵中國企業按照市場原則和國際貿易規則,在遵守當地法律的基礎上開展正常的對外投資合作,同時我們堅決維護在外投資運營的中國企業的正當合法權益。我們希望澳大利亞方面能夠為中國企業在澳經營提供公平和非歧視的環境。 Mao Ning: The Chinese government always encourages Chinese businesses to invest overseas in accordance with market principles, international trade rules and local laws. At the same time, we will always safeguard the legitimate and lawful rights of Chinese companies that are investing and operating overseas. It is our hope that the Australian side will provide a fair and non-discriminatory environment for Chinese companies in Australia.
