
甘河一老漢 發佈 2020-02-12T19:46:13+00:00

Thestudy, published Monday in Nature Biotechnology, followed more than 300 people with depression as they began taking the drug sertraline


People getting treated for depression often have to suffer through months of trial-and-error testing of different drugs to see which of them—if any—will help.


For a long time, scientists and clinicians have hoped for a biological means of diagnosing depression or predicting which patients will do better on a given treatment.


A new study takes a step toward the latter kind of prediction by finding a distinctive signature with the noninvasive technique of electroencephalography(EEG) to test who will benefit from one common antidepressant.


The study, published Monday in Nature Biotechnology, followed more than 300 people with depression as they began taking the drug sertraline (Zoloft) or a placebo.


A computer algorithm could discern the EEGs of those who fared well on the drug from those who did not.


Trained on one group, the algorithm also effectively predicted results in several others.


The work is preliminary and needs to be confirmed with further studies and expanded to include other treatments, such as different antidepressants, transcranial magnetic stimulation and psychotherapy.


But 「in my field, this, itself, is a huge step. We have not had the kind of predictors that are specific for a drug,」 says Madhukar Trivedi, a psychiatrist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center’s Peter O』Donnell Jr.

但是「在我的領域,這本身就是一個巨大的進步。我們還沒有特定於藥物的預測因子,「德州大學西南醫學中心的精神病學家Madhukar Trivedi說。

Brain Institute, who oversaw the multisite trial.


Right now doctors give patients whichever antidepressant they like best, and then—for all choices in this class of drugs—they have to wait six to eight weeks to know whether it is working or not, says Amit Etkin, who also oversaw the research.

這項研究的負責人阿米特·埃特金(Amit Etkin)說,現在醫生給病人最喜歡的抗抑鬱劑,然後-對於這類藥物中的所有選擇-他們必須等六到八周才能知道它是否有效。

If the drug does not work well, it might be another six weeks before they know whether a different dose or a new drug is more effective.

