
甘河一老漢 發佈 2020-02-25T07:12:18+00:00

#大學英語聽力# A woman who urinates alcohol without having consumed any is the first person to be diagnosed with 「urinary auto-brewery syndrome」.


A woman who urinates alcohol without having consumed any is the first person to be diagnosed with 「urinary auto-brewery syndrome」.


The condition is caused by yeast in the bladder, which ferments sugar in urine to produce alcohol.


The 61-year-old, who has requested anonymity, has diabetes and liver cirrhosis, and was recommended a liver transplant.


But repeated tests found alcohol in her urine.


Even though the woman denied drinking any alcohol, she was taken off the waiting list for a donor organ, and was instead referred for treatment for alcohol abuse, says Kenichi Tamama at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Presbyterian Hospital in Pennsylvania, where the woman later moved.

賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡大學醫學中心長老會醫院(University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center Presbyterian Hospital)的田玉健一(Kenichi Tamama)表示,儘管這名女子否認飲酒,但她還是被從等待捐贈器官的名單上除名,轉而接受酗酒治療。該女子後來搬到了該醫院。

Doctors there again found alcohol in her urine, but further tests revealed that there was no alcohol in her blood.


Stumped, the doctors asked Tamama, a pathologist at the hospital, to investigate.


As Tamama conducted some basic tests, he found that the woman’s urine contained yeast.


「That’s not unusual,」 he says.


But because the woman’s poorly controlled diabetes meant that she had a lot of sugar in her urine, Tamama wondered if the yeast might be fermenting this sugar to produce alcohol.


To find out, he separated portions of urine that contained lots of yeast and portions with barely any yeast in them.


He also added a compound that blocks fermentation to some of the batches, before leaving them all in the lab overnight.


「Even before the incubation we noticed the alcohol smell of the specimen,」 says Tamama.


「The next day, the smell had intensified.」


In the urine with high amounts of yeast, the alcohol level had increased from 40 to 800 mg/dL. Considering that the test used by the hospital detects alcohol at concentrations of 20 mg/dL, that is an extreme amount, says Tamama.

在酵母含量較高的尿液中,酒精含量從40 mg/dL增加到800 mg/dL。Tamama說,考慮到醫院使用的檢測方法檢測出濃度為20 mg/dL的酒精,這是一個極端的量。
