
神經時訊 發佈 2020-03-05T11:01:29+00:00


圖3-1 胸腹部(男性)

The ventrum (male)

圖3-2 胸部(女性)

The thorax (female)

圖3-3 胸部標誌線(前面)

The guard line of the thorax (anterior aspect)

圖3-4 胸廓(前面)

The thoracic cage (anterior aspect)

圖3-5 胸腔積液示意圖

The diagram of plearal effclsion


圖3-6 肺和胸膜的體表投影(後面觀)

The body surface projection of the lung and pleurae (posterior aspect)

圖3-7 肺和胸膜的體表投影(前面觀)

The body surface projection of the lung and pleurac (anterior aspect)

圖3-8 胸肌(前面觀)

Muscles of the thorax (anterior aspect)

圖3-9 軀幹肌(側面觀)

Muscles of the trunk (lateral aspect)

圖3-10 女性乳房(矢狀面)

Female breast (sagital section)

圖3-11 乳房的X線攝影

Radiograph of the mamma

圖3-12 腋窩、乳房的淋巴管和淋巴結

Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the axillary fossa and mamma

圖3-13 氣管、支氣管的淋巴管和淋巴結

Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the trachea and bronchi

圖3-14 胸壁層次

The layers of the thoracic wall

圖3-15 胸廓內血管

Blood vessels within thoracic cage

圖3-16 縱隔

The mediastinum

圖3-17 肺與肺門結構(左肺)

The structure of lung and the hilum of lung (left lung)

圖3-18 肺與肺門結構(右肺)

The structure of lung and the hilum of lung (right lung)

圖3-19 心臟的外形(前面觀)

External features of the heart (anterior aspect)

圖3-20 心臟的血管(前面觀)

Blood vessels of the heart (anterior aspect)

圖3-21 縱隔結構

The structures of mediastinum

圖3-22 心包與縱隔結構

The pericardium and structure of mediastinum

圖3-23 縱隔(右側面觀)

Medias tinum (right aspect)

圖3-24 縱隔(左側面觀)

The mediastinum (left aspect)

圖3-25 經胸骨柄的橫斷面

A transverse section through the level of manubrium sterni

圖3-26 經氣管杈的橫斷面

A transverse section through the level of bifurcation of trachea

圖3-27 胸腔(前面觀)

The thoracic cavity (anterior aspect)

圖3-28 胸腔(前面觀)

The thoracic cavity (anterior aspect)

肺溝瘤(pancoast’s tumour)是肺尖部的腫瘤,通常是支氣管源性惡性腫瘤,壓迫臂叢和交感神經干而出現Horner綜合徵。

圖3-29 心包(心臟已切除)

The pericardium (heart removed)


圖3-30 胸部經乳頭矢狀切面

The sagital section of the thorax throug the nipple

圖3-31 胸CT
X-ray CT of the thorax

圖3-32 胸部X線圖像(正位)

Radiograph of the thorax (anterior aspect)

圖3-33 胸縱隔中的某些結構腔(心臟已切除)

Some structures of mediastinum

圖3-34 胸縱隔中的某些結構腔(心肺已切除)

Some structures of mediastinum

圖3-35 氣管、食管和胸主動脈

Trachea,esophagus and thoracic aorta

圖3-36 胸腔(心臟已切除)

The thoracic acvity (heart removed)

圖3-37 胸部正中矢狀面

The median segittal section of the thorax

圖3-38 心和肺的鑄型標本

The cast specimen of heart and lung

圖3-39 胸後壁(前面觀)

Posterior wall of the thorax (anterior aspect)

圖3-40 縱隔(左側面觀)

The mediastinum (left aspect)

圖3-41 縱隔(右側面觀)

The mediastinum (right aspect)

圖3-42 膈(上面觀)

The diaphragm (superior aspect)

圖3-43 膈(下面觀)

The diaphragm (inferior aspect )

圖3-44 食管疝示意圖

The diagram of esophageal hernia A.滑動性食管疝;B.食管旁疝The slipoesophageal hernia;Theparaesophageal hernia

圖3-45 氣管、支氣管的淋巴管和淋巴結

Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the trachea and bronchi

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