每日外刊 | 1029-一項新研究表明,化學直發產品或提高子宮癌風險

viewworld明 發佈 2022-10-29T22:52:26.246504+00:00






Hair-straightening chemical products linked to increased uterine cancer risk in new study


Scientists are uncovering new details in the connection between using certain hair straightening products, such as chemical relaxers and pressing products, and an increased risk of cancer in women. Ongoing research previously suggested that hair straightening chemicals are associated with an increased risk of certain hormone-related cancers, including breast and ovarian cancers, and now, a new study links use of hair straightening products with an increased risk of uterine cancer. Black women may be more affected due to higher use of the products, the researchers noted.


The study, published Monday in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, estimates that among women who did not use hair-straightening chemical products in the past 12 months, 1.6% developed uterine cancer by age 70, but about 4% of the women who frequently use such hair-straightening products developed uterine cancer by age 70.

周一發表在《美國國家癌症研究所雜誌》(Journal of The National Cancer Institute)上的這項研究估計,在過去12個月裡沒有使用過頭髮拉直化學產品的女性中,1.6%在70歲前患了子宮癌,但在經常使用這類產品的女性中,約4%在70歲前患了子宮癌。

That finding 「also communicates that uterine cancer is indeed rare. However, the doubling of risk does lead to some concern,」 said Chandra Jackson, an author of the study and researcher at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. 「In this study, women with frequent use in the past year had an over two-fold higher risk of uterine cancer,」 she said. Frequent use was defined as more than four times in the previous year.



  • straightening /ˈstreɪtnɪŋ/ n.矯直,校正;
  • be linked to 與…連接;與…有關聯,與…有聯繫;
  • uterine /ˈjuːtəraɪn/ adj.子宮的;
  • uncover/ʌnˈkʌvər/ vt.揭露,發現;
  • detail /ˈdiːteɪl/ n.進展;
  • connection between ……之間的連接; ……之間的聯繫;
  • relaxer n.直發膏;鬆弛劑;順發劑;
  • pressing product 直發膏;
  • ongoing /ˈɑːnɡoʊɪŋ/ adj.持續存在的,仍在進行的,不斷發展的;
  • associate with 聯合;與…聯繫在一起;
  • hormone /ˈhɔːrmoʊn/ n.激素,荷爾蒙;
  • ovarian /oʊˈveriən/ adj.卵巢的;子房的;
  • Journal of the National Cancer Institute 《美國國家癌症研究所雜誌》;
  • estimate /ˈestɪmət/ vt.估計;判斷;
  • develop /dɪˈveləp/ vt.發展;逐漸形成;
  • communicate /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ vt.傳達,傳遞(想法或感情);
  • doubling /ˈdʌblɪŋ/ n.加倍;
  • lead to 導致;通向;
  • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 美國國家環境健康科學研究所;
  • two-fold/tuː foʊld/ adj. 有兩部分的,雙重的;兩倍的;



作者:Jacqueline Howard

原文發布時間:18 Oct. 2022


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