
人人說品質 發佈 2020-08-09T13:29:50+00:00

The quality is around us. In many cases, the quality of life comes from the quality of our thinking. A plate of fruit, a plate of midnight snack, a self-fried steak...

Feb 28日的說說:「全網最騷操作,以後不要說你的男朋友女朋友不愛吃水果,不愛吃找我,我教你」!

Feb 29 朋友圈「大晚上的吃個泡麵加火腿腸也就算了,還特意拍個照片發給我,我是捏的住皮(湖北方言受委屈的意思)的人嗎?不是家裡食材有限,我能給你整個滿漢全席出來!」


更讓我想不到的是,Mar 1 妹妹吃了個牛排也來了個感悟:「愛吃牛排的人,喜歡自煎的越來越多。顧客可能開始會有新的需求,比如牛排不同造型,牛排搭配的小點心或小瓶裝紅酒或配套飲品。市場上誰會有這些產品推出再普及!」



















Feb 28 in my moment, there is such a sentence: " This is the strongest operation in the whole network. Don't say your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't like fruit. If they don't like it, you can turn to me and I'll teach you.」

Feb 29 moments "at night, my friend sent me a photo to show him eating instant noodles with ham sausage. Am I willing to envy? If it weren't for the limited food at home, I could show you the best feast!"

Looking at this sweet tomato and delicious snack, we can feel a thick love through the screen. To tell you the truth, I really want to post the beautiful photos of my little cousin when driving. I didn't do it for fear of being hit. I really did not expect that this cousin is usually a beautiful workaholic who drives an Audi car and lives in a mansion. Now due to a closure of the city, she also shows the capability of cooking of formal banquet. Hubei beauty is so nice!

To my surprise, at Mar 1, my sister had a steak and realized, "more and more people who love steak prefer self-frying. Customers may start to have new demands, such as different styles of steak, snacks or bottles of wine or drinks to accompany the steak. Who in the market will have these products launched and popularized!"

This girl lives in a quality life on her own strength, and she thinks differently about eating a self-cooked steak. There is no doubt that sister has the ability to promote the dream steak to become the best brand! I am looking forward to it!

The quality is around us. In many cases, the quality of life comes from the quality of our thinking. A plate of fruit, a plate of midnight snack, a self-fried steak...These are extremely common things. But just because of the thinking of love, the thinking of beauty, the thinking of unyielding... We live the same home life, but she shows different quality elegant demeanour!

We "Everyone Build Quality" show her tea art photo to encourage everyone be bold to use quality to think about life every day and everything, bold to try their own life like this Hubei sister. Quality life is bound to make life warmer and more romantic, as the colorful dream steak!


Our mission, to disseminate quality ideas and promote quality improvement. Invest 10 minutes every day, and we strive to build high quality life with you.




