
國際設計 發佈 2022-12-05T16:26:40.490909+00:00

In this project, the site is adjacent to Beijing Road, the main city road and presents in a rectangular layout. The southwest area of the site is relatively high as opposed to the lower area of the northeast. In the north there is a sports centre including a swimming pool and basketball court whilst the south is a cultural centre incorporating theatres and libraries.



















OASIS IN DANCING The Landscape Architectural Design of Bozhou Cultural and Sports Centre

In this project, the site is adjacent to Beijing Road, the main city road and presents in a rectangular layout. The southwest area of the site is relatively high as opposed to the lower area of the northeast. In the north there is a sports centre including a swimming pool and basketball court whilst the south is a cultural centre incorporating theatres and libraries.

Initially, a 34 metre wide green belt was created in a space adjacent to and between the site and Beijing Road on the west side. Fraxinus bungeana DC were planted in pairs regularly to form a green area for decoration as well as rest spots. Spatially, we strove to achieve an integration of the street scenery and further to create a sense of depth and direction without losing any expression of the natural aspects. Secondly, the inside of the site was raised 30cm. to highlight the existence of the site. At the same time, green plants were planted to embellish the paved square meeting the needs of distribution as well as creating recreational areas for visitors. The elliptical and leaf-shaped design of the basic garden units creates a dense and compact feeling of an oasis with regard to a changeable design of size and orientation.

The flower gardens scattered within the western green belt display a sense of disorder within an orderly design. A sense of space is achieved with the elliptical design of planted areas of various size. Scattered leaf-shaped Green Islands echo the shape of the building’s facade, whilst the local red gravel in the Bole of the planted areas convey a respect for the site. Paving strips at 6 metre intervals convey and strengthen the orientation of space. Orderly pavement 1500mm x 600mm highlights the luxury of moderation. With images of scatter and disorder yet with flow and movement in this regular, flat and slightly rigid square we have strived to create a scene which we choose to call…Oasis in Dancing.

項目名稱 舞動中的綠州——博州文體中心景觀設計

項目地點 新疆省博爾塔拉蒙古自治州博樂市

景觀面積 9.7ha

業主單位 新疆博爾塔拉蒙古自治州建設局

景觀設計 R-land源樹設計

方案設計 章俊華、趙長江

擴初設計 章俊華、白祖華、趙長江、張鵬、王瀟冉、李瑞晶、趙彥瑩

施工設計 章俊華、胡海波、於灃、趙長江、錢誠、張晶晶

電氣、水專業 田珊、徐順志

土建施工 中微生態環境有限公司、山湖建設集團有限公司

種植施工 新疆宏達建築工程有限責任公司

設計時間 2015.11—2016.07

完工時間 2019.06

英文校譯 琳賽·洛特(Lindsay Rutter)、蘇暢
