每日外刊 | 0124-尋找外星人的想法越來越有創意

viewworld明 發佈 2023-01-27T06:32:42.586143+00:00

要麼如此,要麼它們離得足夠近,可以從現有的調查數據中探測到。But if extraterrestrial civilisations are rare, and thus mostly far away, or if they rarely broadcast with a lot of power, they will be found only by selecting promising sources in advance and staring at them for a long time. This is done by the Green Bank Telescope, a large radio dish in West Virginia, for which the Berkeley SETI Research Centre has contracted 20% of the observing time, with Dr Croft as project scientist.





Ideas for finding ET are getting more inventive


This month the VLA (Very Large Array) radio-astronomy observatory in New Mexico will begin sending every bit of data it harvests for astronomers』 research projects to cosmic, a computer cluster dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). A similar system has been piggybacking on the Meerkat observatory in South Africa since December. Over the next two years, the VLA alone will cast an eye over 40m stars. Computers will also be mining data from past surveys, in radio frequencies and in visible light, for anything that seems both unnatural and not from Earth, says James Davenport, an astronomer at the University of Washington who works with such surveys.


If there are many technologically advanced civilisations in the galaxy, emitting powerful signals, this might well be the right approach, according to Steve Croft of the University of California, Berkeley. Some of them will then be where users of the VLA happen to be looking. Either that, or they will be close enough to be detectable from existing survey data.


But if extraterrestrial civilisations are rare, and thus mostly far away, or if they rarely broadcast with a lot of power, they will be found only by selecting promising sources in advance and staring at them for a long time. This is done by the Green Bank Telescope, a large radio dish in West Virginia, for which the Berkeley SETI Research Centre has contracted 20% of the observing time, with Dr Croft as project scientist.



  • ET abbr. 外星人(Extraterrestrial);
  • inventive/ɪnˈventɪv/ adj. 有創造力的,善於創新的;
  • VLA abbr. 射電望遠鏡巨陣(Very Large Array);
  • Very Large Array 甚大陣,甚大天線陣;
  • radio-astronomy /ˌreɪdiəʊ əˈstrɒnəmi/ n. 射電天文學;
  • observatory/əbˈzɜːrvətɔːri/ n. 天文台,氣象台;
  • every bit of 一點一滴,每一點;
  • harvest/ˈhɑːrvɪst/ vt. 收割,收穫;採集,搜集;
  • astronomer/əˈstrɑːnəmər/ n. 天文學家;
  • cosmic/ˈkɑːzmɪk/ adj. 外層空間的,宇宙的;
  • cluster/ˈklʌstər/ n.(人或物的)群;
  • dedicate to 奉獻給,獻身於;
  • extraterrestrial intelligence 地外智慧生物,外星人;
  • piggyback/ˈpɪɡibæk/ vi. 利用,背負;
  • Meerkat observatory 貓鼬天文台;
  • cast/kæst/ vt. 掃視;
  • mine/maɪn/ vt. 開採;
  • radio frequency 無線電頻率;
  • visible light 可見光;
  • technologically/ˌteknəˈlɑːdʒɪkli/ adv. 科技地;技術上地;
  • advanced/ədˈvænst/ adj. 先進的;高級的;
  • civilisation/ˌsɪvələˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 文明社會;
  • galaxy/ˈɡæləksi/ n. 星系;銀河,銀河系;
  • emit/iˈmɪt/ vt. 發出,射出;
  • happen to 偶然發生,碰巧;
  • detectable/dɪˈtektəb(ə)l/ adj. 可檢測的;可發覺的;
  • extraterrestrial civilisations 地外文明;
  • rare/rer/ adj. 少見的,不常發生的;
  • far away 遙遠地;在遠處;
  • broadcast/ˈbrɔːdkæst/ vi. 散布,傳播(信息等);
  • promising/ˈprɑːmɪsɪŋ/ adj. 有希望的,有前途的;
  • in advance 預先,提前;
  • radio dish 射電拋物面天線;
  • West Virginia 西佛吉尼亞州(美國東部的州名);
  • SETI abbr. 對外星智能的探索(search for extraterrestrial intelligence);


文本選自:The Economist(經濟學人)


原文發布時間:20 Jan. 2023


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